What is it?
This is the system that DSMRA predominantly uses on our rides, it allows you to go out on a ride without actually knowing where you are going and you don't have to use any maps. Think of it as a kind of elastic chain that moulds and forms its way until it reaches its destination. A cornerman system can be maintained for as little as 2 riders to many, more details below.
Lead Rider:
- In charge of the ride, he determines where the cornerman are, the direction of ride, stopping points and what to do when there are problems.
Sweep Rider:
- The Last rider in the group. he is in charge of sweeping the ride, waving you on, back-tracking missing riders, helping with broken bikes and injuries and also responsible for informing the Lead Rider of problems. The Lead Rider and the sweep are kept in contact via two way radios.
- The cornerman is just a rider who has been put on a corner by the Lead rider. The Lead Rider will tell the cornerman which direction to point his bike in. The cornerman will then point the bike in that direction and stay there untill the Sweep comes and urges him on.
- All riders approaching the cornerman will see the direction of the bike and go that way. If someone misses a corner then the cornerman will inform the sweep when he arrives, the sweep will the go and find the missing person.
- You must stay at the corner until the sweep urges you on, failure to do this results in the whole system breaking down. Sometimes you can be waiting on a corner for a long time. The system is foolproof as long as the cornerman does his job.
- You just start the ride and follow the cornermen until you reach the Lead Rider. He will then make you a cornerman, so everybody else passes until the sweep arrives. He will urge you on and you can start riding again.
How it works
When the lead rider determines a change of direction that could be missed or confused by following riders, he will stop and indicate to the rider behind him to become the cornerman at that point.
The cornerman will then remain and signal to other riders the direction taken by the lead rider.
The cornerman must remain at that point until he is given the signal (horn/wave), from the approaching sweep rider to rejoin the trail.
Always follow the trail in front of you; do not take any sidetracks, major or minor unless indicated by a cornerman.